Video Capture Button

Opens the Capture window to create AVI files from the video of a VCR or camcoder connected to the PC with an i.LINK (IEEE 1394) cable.

NSP-100 Status Button

Opens the NSP-100 Status window to display the status of each network player in the selected group.

Playout Log Button

Opens the Playout Log window to obtain playout logs from the network players to check them.

NSP-100 Setup, Setup Buttons

Opens the dialog boxes used to set up the network players and the software, respectively.

Edit Playlist Button

Opens the Edit Playlist window to create and/or edit playlists.

Transfer Status Button

Opens the Transfer Status window to check the status of playlist/material being transferred to the network players.

Group Setup Button

Opens the dialog box used to create network player groups. You can create network player groups and send playlists and materials to the groups, rather than to each network player individually.

Date Indication, Calendar, Previous and Next Month Buttons

Today's date is indicated on the main menu, but you can change the month of the calendar displayed by clicking the previous and next month buttons (the buttons with right and left triangle arrows).


Clicking the today's date indicator quickly returns the calendar display to the one for the current month.

You can send playlists and the necessary materials simply by selecting a day on the calendar and a destination group from the drop-down list box, then clicking the Send button, provided the materials and playlists are ready.

The colors used for the calendar express the following meanings.

Note that the colors will not be displayed correctly if you sent the video, graphics and text materials from the Material Management window. You need to send the playlists from this window, the Material Management or Edit Playlist window.




Gray or brown


Black or red


Black or red

Light Blue

Black or red


Black or red


Black or red


Black or red

Meaning Non-playout day. Playlist not yet created.

Playlist being edited or already edited. Playlists and materials are being sent. Playlists and materials successfully sent. Necessary materials not yet sent.

A transfer error occurred.