RealAction recording LP recording mode which allows three times as many frames/s to be recorded in
24 H mode. (SVT-L230P only)
Sensitivity The amount of light falling on a scene measured in lux.
Simplex Type of multiplexer which allows the user to choose between live monitoring,
recording or playback.
Smart Control Digital circuit within the camera providing automatic backlight compensation by
automatically adjusting iris and gain. See DSP also.
Smear Vertical streaks above and below a brightly lit object or light source when
observed on the monitor. Vertical lines on the screen are caused by the leakage
of unwanted light onto the vertical shift register of the CCD.
Synchronization Used in multi-camera installations where automatic switching is employed and
allows roll-free switching from camera to camera.
Trinitron CRT Sony CRT which allows for high resolution and the best possible picture
reproduction. The completely flat, straight vertical surface of the Trinitron CRT
provides very low purity imperfection.
Triple multiplexing Video, sync and power transmitted over a single coaxial cable.
Turbo AGC Powerful automatic gain control function. Increases range of video gain
compared to conventional AGC resulting in greater sensitivity.
Video servo auto iris lens Lens that relies on video input to control the iris opening. When the video level is
high, the lens iris closes. When the video level is low, it opens.
5600K mode White balance mode recommended for outdoor daytime shooting