Using various functions
3Use B/b/v/V to select the image
from the image list to be imported
and press .
” is added to the selected image.
If you want to import multiple images
at a time, repeat this step.
If you want to clear the selection, select
the image and press . “” disappea rs
from the image.
About image sorting in the image list
During a sort:
Lists all images that meet the sorting
Not during a sort:
Lists all images in the device that contains
the image currently displayed.
Refer to “Sorting images (Filtering)”
4Press MENU.
The confirmation screen used for selecting
a folder is displayed.
5Press v/V to select the folder you
want and press .
The confirmation screen used to decide
whether to import an image o r not to the
internal memory is displayed.
A new folder is created automatically when
you select [New folder].
6Press v/V to select [Yes] and then
press .
The image is saved in the specified folder
in the internal memory.
7Press when the confirmation
screen is displayed.
• “Import to the interna l memory” is not available for
images in the internal memory.
• Avoid doing the following while ima ges are being
imported to the internal memory. Doing so may
damage this unit, memory card, or the data:
Turning off the power
Removing an memory card
Inserting another card
You can change the thumbnail size using [ /] in
the image list.