zUsing a histogram

A histogram is a graph showing the brightness of an image. Set the mode dial to , P, S, A or

A Scene Selection, then press (Screen display switch) repeatedly to display the histogram inside the screen. The graph display indicates a bright

Bimage when skewed to the right side, and a dark



image when skewed to the left side. Adjust the

exposure while checking it with the histogram.



ANumber of pixels B Brightness

The histogram also appears when the mode dial is set to M, or playing back a single image, but you cannot adjust the exposure.


Choosing a focus method
























































You can change the focus method. Press the FOCUS button repeatedly when it is difficult to get the proper focus in auto focus mode.





: The default setting)





Multipoint AF (



Focuses automatically on a subject in all ranges of the finder





frame. When the mode dial is set to

, only Multipoint AF




is available.


This mode is useful when the subject is not in the center of the frame.

AF range finder frame

AF range finder frame indicator

Center AF

Focuses automatically on a subject near the center of the




Using this with the AF lock function lets you shoot in the desired image composition.

AF range finder frame

AF range finder frame indicator