To stop the SLIDE SHOW playback

Press z, select [EXIT] with B, then press z.

To skip to the next/previous image during the SLIDE SHOW

Press B (next) or b (previous).


The interval setting time may vary depending on the image size.

Rotating a still image (ROTATE)

Mode dial:

You can rotate the image recorded in portrait orientation and display it in landscape orientation.




1 Set the mode dial to , and display the image to rotate.

2 Press MENU.

The menu appears.

3 Select [ROTATE] with b/B, then press z.

4 Select [ , ] with v/V, then

rotate the image with b/B. Select [OK] with v/V, then press z.

To cancel rotation

Select [CANCEL] with v/V in step 4, then press z.


You cannot rotate protected or uncompressed images, or images recorded in TEXT mode.

You may not be able to rotate images recorded with other equipment.

Also, when viewing images on a computer, the image rotation information may not be reflected depending on the application software.

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