Macro Shoots beautiful close-up images of small subjects.
HDR Painting
When [HDR Painting] is selected in Picture Effect, sets
the effect level.
Area of emphasis When [Miniature] is selected in Picture Effect, sets the
part to focus on.
Color hue When [Toy camera] is selected in Picture Effect, sets the
color hue.
Extracted Color When [Partial Color] is selected in Picture Effect, selects
the color to extract.
Watercolor Effect When [Watercolor] is selected in Picture Effect, sets the
effect level.
Illustration Effect When [Illustration] is selected in Picture Effect, sets the
effect level.
EV Adjust the exposure manually.
ISO Adjust the luminous sensitivity.
White Balance Adjust color tones of an image.
Underwater White
Adjust color tones when shooting underwater.
Focus Select the focus method.
Metering Mode Select the metering mode that sets which part of the
subject to measure to determine the exposure.
Scene Recognition Set to automatically detect shooting conditions.
Soft Skin Effect Set the Soft Skin Effect and the effect level.
Smile Shutter Set to automatically release the shutter when a smile is
Smile Detection
Set the Smile Shutter function sensitivity for detecting
Face Detection Select to detect faces and adjust various settings
Anti Blink Set to automatically shoot two images and select image
in which the eyes are not blinking.
Movie SteadyShot Set the strength of SteadySh ot in movie mode.