OUT 00:01:01
00:03:15 00:05:23
00:07:20 00:18:21
00:20:13 00:28:21
ClipLink Data
(Auto) Mark-out
(Auto) Mark-out
(Man) Mark-out
(Man) Mark-in
(Man) Mark-out
(Man) Mark-in
(Man) Mark-out
Rec in
Scene #1
Take #1
Scene #1
Take #1
Scene #2
Take #1 Scene #3
Take #1 Rec out
Rec in Rec out
Pic. 1
Pic. 1
Pic. 2 Index
Pic. 3
Cue Cue Cue Cue Cue
Cue Mode
Mark Mode

<ClipLink Operation>

ClipLink™ Feature
ClipLink System
The ClipLink system is a comprehensive
shooting information and image
management system necessary for the
total digital production process, ranging
from acquisition to editing. The ClipLink
system in combination with new Sony
digital video products such as the
DSR-130/DSR-300 Camcorder, the
Digital VTRs (DSR-85/80/60) and the
EditStation™ systems (ES-7/ES-3)
enhances the productivity and operating
efficiency throughout the entire video
production process.
ClipLink Operation
Two types of useful information
designated ClipLink data are automatically
generated while shooting. One is Index
Picture which is a digitally miniaturized
picture of the video image of the “IN”
point of each shot - the MARK IN point.
Index Pictures are recorded on DVCAM
tape.The other is shot information
needed for the editing process,
such as the reel number, scene number,
take number, time code of the MARK IN/
MARK OUT point, and OK/NG status.
This reference data is stored in the
cassette memory of the DVCAM
cassette tape.
ClipLink data can be quickly uploaded to
a Sony EditStation system from DVCAM
VTRs, so that usable shots can be easily
selected using only visual ClipLink
information displayed on the EditStation
GUI. The ClipLink system eliminates the
task of loading all the shots on tape onto
the EditStation system.
The Sony RM-LG1 Remote Control Unit
is specifically designed for the remote
control of ClipLink and VTR REC
operations. It has two switches, which
can be assigned by the operator from
four choices:VTR, MARK, CUE or NG.
For the DSR-300, IP (Index Picture) recording is
optional. When the DSR-300 is configured with
an optional DSBK-301, IP recording is available.
RM-VJ1 Remote Control Unit
The Sony RM-VJ1 Remote Control Unit
is a new accessory for the DSR-300,
which directly connects to the DSR-300
via a multicore cable. This compact,
mobile and highly reliable remote
controller with a professional microphone
and a hand-held LCD screen enhances
the operational convenience for a
one-person operation.
Hand-held Monitor
The RM-VJ1 has a 2.5-inch color TFT
LCD monitor for framing or composing a
shot.The LCD has a brightness control
and monitor hood for field use.
Moreover, a LCD back light OFF switch
is available for the saving power.
High Quality Microphone
The microphone is Omni-Directional for
superior sound quality. Sony Lavaliere
Microphones (ECM-44BC/55BC/77BC)
can be connected to the RM-VJ1 in
place of the built-in microphone for
added flexibility.
Remote Control of

Camcorder Functions

REC Start/Stop, REC Review and
Zoom* control can be controlled with the
RM-VJ1. TAKE and NG marking for
ClipLink operation is also possible.
* Requires lens with remote zoom capability
The DSR-300 offers the Sony’s unique and convenient ClipLink operation with an
optional Sony DSBK-301* Index Picture Board installed.