Using the Parental Control Menu
In the Parental Control menu, you will be asked to set a 4-digit password for any further
access into Pa rental Contro l.


, then use the buttons to enter a 4-digit password.
2Confirm your password by entering it again.
Once your pass word is set c orrectly, the nex t Parental C ontrol menu appears. Fo r future acc ess
to this menu, use your password. A password is needed every time you want to access
Parental Control menu.
Keep this manual in a safe place. If you forg et your password, see page 33.
Parental Control
Use [0-9] buttons to
enter new password
Move Select End
To access the Parental Control menu, refer to the following steps:
Press f to highlight an option; then press .
To Disp lay To Highlight To Select
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