

When I format the Memory Stick

MS Autorun deletes the data copied by the auto-run

media with an auto-run setting

function when removing the Memory Stick media.

through the MS Gate application,

You may see this happening when you perform the

the display automatically returns

following procedure:

to the Home screen display.

1 Insert the Memory Stick media to start an


application automatically.


2 Start MS Gate without removing the Memory


Stick media.


3 Format the Memory Stick media.


When your unit registers that the Memory Stick


media is removed and that formatting is completed,


the Home screen is displayed and the auto-run


data is deleted from your CLIE handheld.



When tapping Tools under the

The Recover and Delete autorun setting buttons are

Options menu, the buttons are not

displayed in the Tools dialog box only if these

displayed in the Tools dialog box.

functions are available.


Recover: displays when the auto-run is performed


and MS Autorun is started without removing the


Memory Stick media.


Delete autorun setting: displays when an auto-run


setting file is stored in the inserted Memory Stick



An error message appears notifying

To run MS Autorun, more than 50KB free memory is

the user that the CLIE internal


memory is getting low.

To automatically start an application with


MS Autorun, free space in the amount equliry the


data size of the application to be installed is required.


Be sure to reserve enough free memory.