1-8. Checks on Completion of Installation
<TEST terminal>
E121 (P-8), E122 (P-10), E123 (P-3), E124 (P-4),
E129 (P-11), E130 (P-9), E131 (P-4), E132 (P-5),
E508 (E-12), E601 (D-7), E801 (N-7), E1001 (N-12) :
GND terminal
Use this terminal as the earth point for measuring the
respective check terminals.
TP203 (C-3) : ++
+3.3 V check terminal
+3.3 V measuring terminal.
TP204 (C-5) : ++
+1.8 V check terminal
+1.8 V measuring terminal.
TP504 (F-2) : CKX (control timing) signal check
CKX signal measuring terminal.
TP505 (E-12), TP706 (L-4), TP906 (L-8) : FLOE
(field odd even) signal check terminal
FLOE signal measuring terminal.
TP506 (E-12), TP704 (L-4), TP904 (K-8) : VD
(vertical sync) signal check terminal
VD signal measuring terminal.
TP507 (F-12), TP705 (K-4), TP905 (K-8) : HD
(horizontal sync) signal check terminal
HD signal measuring terminal.
<LED on the CPU DR module> (C-10)
Refer to < LED on the CPU DR module > in 1. CA-44
<Switch on the CPU DR module> (C-10)
Refer to < Switch on the CPU DR module > in 1. CA-44