Owner’s Record

The model and serial numbers are located on the back of the player. Record them in the space provided below. Refer to these numbers in the spaces whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this product.

Model No. __________________________

Serial No. __________________________

The use of the player is described in this “Quick Start Guide,” in the “Operation Guide” (available as a PDF file), and in the CONNECT Player Help (accessible from within CONNECT Player software).

Quick Start Guide: Explains basic operation of the player, including importing, transferring, and playing music tracks.

Operation Guide: Explains advanced features of the player and offers troubleshooting information.

CONNECT Player Help: Explains details of using the CONNECT Player software.

If you have any questions about or issue with this product, visit the following web sites. For customers in the USA: http://www.sony.com/walkmansupport/

For customers in Canada: http://www.sony.ca/ElectronicsSupport/

For customers in Europe: http://www.sonydigital-link.com/DNA/

For customers in China: http://service.sony.com.cn/KB/

For customers in Taiwan: http://www.twsupport.css.ap.sony.com/

For customers in Korea: http://scs.sony.co.kr/walkman/

For customers in other countries or areas: http://www.css.ap.sony.com/

Table of Contents




Getting Started ....................................................


Supplied Items......................................................................


Installing CONNECT Player ..................................................


Importing Music...................................................


Transferring Music ..............................................


Playing Music.......................................................


Basic Operation – Parts and Controls ....................................................


FM Tuner ...............................................................


Listening to FM Radio ...........................................................


To learn about advanced features of the player

For information about advanced features of the player and about troubleshooting technical issues, refer to the Operation Guide (PDF file). To view the Operation Guide (PDF file), click “Start” – “All Programs”– “CONNECT Player” –“NW-A600 Series Operation Guide.”

Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0.4 or more or Adobe Reader 7.0.3 or more is necessary to use it.

Adobe Reader can be downloaded from the Internet for free.