Watching Videos
NWZ-X1050 / X1051 / X1060 / X1061 .GB.4-141-609-11(1)
Icons on the playback screen
Icon Description
(To List) Shows a list screen.
(Search) Shows the search menu. You can select desired search method to
display the list screen and search for videos. For details, see
“Searching for Videos” ( page 58).
(Scene Scroll) Shows the scene scroll screen. You can browse scenes or chapters
by flicking the thumbnail*1 on the screen, to select the desired
scene. For details, see “Browsing scenes (Scene Scroll)” ( page
(Option Menu) Shows the option menu. For details on the video option menu,
see “Using the Video Option Menu” ( page 60).
*1 Thumbnail refers to a reduced size image of one scene of a video.
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