Adobe® Acrobat Reader®, Photoshop® Elements, Premiere® LE (On selected models)
(Adobe Systems Inc.)
Web site http://www.adobe.com
phone 206-675-6126 (fee-based support)
fax 206-628-5737
e-mail techdocs@adobe.com
hours M - F, 6 AM - 5 PM PST
America Online® (America Online, Inc.)
Web site http://www.aol.com
phone 800-827-6364
hours 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
ArcSoft PhotoPrinter® 2000 Pro (ArcSoft, Inc.)
Web site http://www.arcsoft.com
phone 510-440-9901
e-mail support@arcsoft.com
hours M - F, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM PST
DVDit! for VAIO (On selected models)
(Sonic Solutions)
Web site http://www.dvdit.com
Online Support http://www.dvdit.com/support
phone 877-DVD-1124*
e-mail support@dvdit.com
hours M - F, 9 AM - 6 PM PST
* Telephone support is fee-based per incident and available only within the U.S. and C anada. Online s upport is free of charge.
EarthLink Network Total Access (EarthLink Network Inc.)
Web site http://help.earthlink.net/techsupport
phone 800-395-8410
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