106 Overview
Chapter 6 File Operations
• The dire ctories in the root directory (Clip, Edit, Sub,
UserData, General, and PROAV) cannot be deleted or
Clip directory
a)Th e unit can handle files with user-defined names in the “C*” part.
b)Only files which are 2 second s or longer in length, in a format matching
the format (system frequency) and recording format (MPEG HD a nd
number of audio channels) of the recorded sections of the disc, and which
can be overwritten by XDCAM. (Partial writing is not possible.)
c)Ove rwriting is not possible.
d)Only when sub item NAMING FORM of setup menu item 036 is set to
e)Any clip may be selected and deleted.
f) Only files which can be written by XDCAM
g)When the “C*” part of a C* .MXF file name is changed, a C*M01.XML
file and a C*M02.KLV file with the same name in the “C*” part is also
changed automatically.
h)When a C*.MXF file is created, a C*M01.XML file with the same name
in the “C*” part is created automatically.
i) When a C*.MXF file is deleted, a C*M01.XML file and a C*M02.KLV
file with the same name in the “C*” part is also deleted automatically.
Directories cannot be created in the Clip directory.
Edit directory
a)Th e “E*” part can be changed to a user-defined name.
b)Only files which can be writ ten by XDCAM. Partial writing is not
c)Only w hen sub item NAMING FORM of setup menu item 036 is set to
d)Only files which can be wr itten by XDCAM
e)When the “E*” part of an “E*01.SMI” file name is changed, an
E*M01.XML file with the same name in the “E*” part is also changed
f) When an E*E01.SMI file is created, an E*M01.XML file with the same
name in the “E*” part is also generated automatically.
g)When an E*E01.SMI file is dele ted, an E*M01.XML file with the same
name in the “E*” part is also deleted automatically.
Directories cannot be created in the Edit directory.
File name Content Operations
Read/Partial read Write/Partial write Rename Create Delete
C*.MXF a) Clip file created by recording (MXF
*: 0001 to 9999
Yes Yes b), c) Yes d) Yes b) Yes e)
C*M01.XML a) Metadata file generated automatically
when C*.MXF file is created.
*: 0001 to 9999
Yes Yes f) No g) No h) No i)
C*M02.KLV a) User metadata file. This type of file is
generated automatically during recording
via an FTP or FAM connection when the
unit recognizes that an MXF file contains
metadata that was generated by a non-
XDCAM device.
*: 0001 to 9999
Yes Yes f) No g) Yes f) Yes i)
Other files Files other than the above No No
File name Content Operations
Read/Partial read Write/Partial write Rename Create Delete
E*E01.SMI a) Clip list file
*: 0001 to 0099 Yes Yes b) Yes c) Yes d) Yes
E*M01.XML a) Metadata file generated automatically
when E*E01.SMI file is created.
*: 0001 to 0099
Yes Yes b) No e) No f) No g)
Other files Files other than the above No No