Using the calculator

Application to be used

Calculator CLIÉ handheld


For calculating with your CLIÉ handheld. You can save and recall calculations with the calculator’s memory.

Preparation for use: Installed

bFor details, refer to the “CLIÉ Application Manual” installed on your computer.

Sending and receiving e-mail messages

Application to be used

CLIE Mail CLIÉ handheld


For sending and receiving e-mail messages on your CLIÉ handheld.

Preparation for use: Must be installed

Installation CD-ROM Menu

“CLIÉ Internet Software”

bFor details, refer to the “CLIÉ Application Manual” installed on your computer.

Browsing websites

Application to be used

NetFront v3.0 for CLIE CLIÉ handheld


Websites, Internet, WWW browser


For browsing websites with your CLIÉ handheld.

Preparation for use: Must be installed

Installation CD-ROM Menu

“CLIÉ Internet Software”

bFor details, refer to the “CLIÉ Application Manual” installed on your computer.

applications Using