Menu List
Chapter 6 Menu and Detailed Settings
Display On/Off
Selects the items to
display in the
viewfinder screen.
System Line On/Off Turns the indication of the system
lines on or off.
Rec Mode On/Off Turns the indication of special
recording modes (S&Q, Interval,
Frame Rec, Picture Cache Rec) on
or off.
Extender On/Off Turns the lens extender indication on
or off.
WRR RF Level On/Off Turns the indication of the digital
wireless receiver reception level on
or off.
Clip Number(PB) On/Off Turns the indication of clip
information on or off.
Auto Iris
Makes settings related
to auto iris.
Iris Override On/Off Turns iris override (a setting that
opens or closes the iris more than
normal) on or off.
Iris Speed –99 to ±0 to +99 Specifies the iris control speed
(speed of reaction to changes in the
video). (Larger values specify
quicker reaction times.)
Clip High light On/Off Turns on or off the funct ion that
disregards highlights and forces a
flatter reaction to high luminance.
Iris Window 1/2/3/4/5/6/Var Selects the auto iris detection
window type.
Var: Va ria bl e
Iris Window
On/Off Turns the indication of the auto iris
detection window frame on or off.
Menu items Sub-item Settings Description