About AIT Drives
The SDX-450V is an internal AIT drive unit that uses data cartridges conforming to the AIT-1 Turbo format. The SDX-250V is an internal AIT drive unit that uses data cartridges conforming to the AIT-E Turbo format. The SDX-450V supports AIT-E Turbo, AIT-1 Turbo and AIT-1 formats. The SDX-250V supports only AIT-E Turbo format.
The AIT Drive Unit SDX-450V has the following features:
•Supports reading and writing to data cartridges conforming to the AIT-E Turbo, AIT-1 Turbo and AIT-1 formats.
•The third-level error correction code guarantee high data reliability.
•Data compression provides 104 gigabytes of storage on 186 m tape- length AIT-1 Turbo data cartridge.*1
The native capacity is 40 gigabytes of storage on 186 m tape-length AIT-1 Turbo data cartridge.
•Stored data are automatically checked for compression.
•Wide Ultra SCSI LVD/SE interface is fully supported for host computer access.