SGPT12/SGPT13 Series Back to Top
Parts and Controls
Basic Operations
Other Operations

Registering Contacts

You can register names, phone numbers, addresses, etc. as frequently used contacts. By
registering your Google account, you can sync People with Gmail Contacts, making your contacts
even more handy.
If using Microsoft Exchange Server, you can manage your work contacts by connecting to Microsoft
Exchange Server.
1. Tap [ Apps & Widgets] - [ People].
The People app starts.
Display on the screen Description
1 GROUPS Displays the groups of contacts.
2 ALL Displays all contacts.
3 FAVORITES Displays the contacts you registered as FAVORITES.
4 Search Searches for a contact.
5New contact Registers a new contact.
6Edit contact Edits a selected contact.
7Option menu Makes detailed settings such as sharing contacts with other apps or
deleting the contacts.
2. Tap [ALL] at the top left of the screen.
3. Tap .
4. Input the data, and tap [ DONE].
The contact is registered.