The functions selected with the MENU button
High ISO NR Sets noise reduction processing for high-sensitivity shooting.
Flash control Sets the method for determining the intensity of flash output.
(ADI flash/Pre-flash TTL)
AF Illuminator Sets the AF illuminator, which sheds light on a dark scene to
aid focusing.
SteadyShot Sets SteadyShot for still image shooting.
AF drive speed Selects the focusing speed in autofocus mode. When [Slow]
is selected in macro shooting, focusing is easier achieved.
Color Space Changes the range of reproducible colors.
Silent Controller Assigns the desired function to the silent multi-controller for
still image shooting.
(Focus Mode/AF area/Select AF area/Exposure Comp./
Metering Mode/ISO)
Exposure step Selects the size of the increment step for shutter speed,
aperture, and exposure.
(0.5 EV/0.3 EV)
Priority setup Sets whether or not to release the shutter even when the focus
is not confirmed in autofocus mode.
AF w/ shutter Sets whether or not to activate the autofocus by pressing the
shutter button halfway down. This is convenient when you
want to adjust the focus and exposure separately.
AEL w/ shutter Sets whether or not to adjust the exposure by pressing the
shutter button halfway down. This is convenient when you
want to adjust the focus and exposure separately.
Memory Registers combinations of frequently used modes and settings
and allows easy recall of those combinations with the mode