1. Overview1-1. Introduction
The projector is remotely controllable over RS-232C. It is useful for setting up the projector away from
the operator.
This protocol manual describes the specifications such as packet format and procedures for controlling
the projector.
In the following sections below, the term “CONTROLLER” is used as a device which controls the
projector. CONTROLLER can be a PC or other specific device that is able to handle RS-232C.
Although most of commands are available for both RS-232C.
1-2. Glossary of Terms
Table 1-1 Glossary of Terms
Terms Abbreviated Description
CONTROLLER _Command initiator such as PCs.
PROJECTOR _Front projector.
1-3. Protocol Stack Structure
The protocol stack structure diagram is shown below. Though the stack is drawn for RS-232C, the
following portions are common.
Table 1-2 Common Portions in Protocol Stack
Layer Name Description
Sub Command Value is assigned for projector’s functions. Refer to the section 2-1 for detail description.
Simplified Command Packet format for sending/receiving “Sub Command”. Refer to the section 3-6-1 for
detail description.
(1) RS-232C
Fig. 1-1 RS-232C Protocol Stack
“RS-232C” layer is physical portion and “Asynchronous” is the traditional protocol layer as shown in the
section 3-2.
Simplified Command
Sub Command