Exchanging tasks

You can send and receive tasks using one of the available transfer methods.

You can also synchronize tasks with a computer,

%64 Synchronizing.

To send a task

1In the list of tasks for a certain day, select the item you want to send } More } Send.

2Select a transfer method.

More features

Exchanging notes

You can send and receive notes using one of the available transfer methods.

You can also synchronize notes with a computer,

%64 Synchronizing.

To send a note

}Organizer } Notes and select the note that you want to send } More } Send and select a transfer method.


If you need to remember something, you can make a note of it in your phone.

To add a note

}Organizer } Notes } New note } Add and enter the note } Save.

To handle notes

1} Organizer } Notes and a list of notes appears.

2 Select the note that you want to handle. } More to edit, show a note in standby (or hide it), send or delete a note.


Your phone has predefined profiles that are set to suit a certain environment. You can reset all profile settings to the way they were set when you bought your phone.

To select a profile

}Settings } the General tab } Profiles

}Select profile.

To change a profile setting

}Settings }the General tab }Profiles }Edit profile and select the setting that you want to change.

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