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Before you can send or receive messages (except for SMS text messages) you need to set up the necessary accounts. You can use the Internet and Email wizards provided in the phone to download settings or do this manually. See Setting up Internet, email and MMS in the Web guide.


To start Messaging

Press on the keypad.


You can create, send and receive different types of messages:

SMS (Short Message

Service) – text messages

MMS (Multimedia Message Service) – picture messages that can include text, pictures and sound


Email messages

Beamed messages via


You can also receive:

Auto setup files for configuring Internet, email and MMS

Area information messages such as local road reports


The different types of messages are handled by different accounts. The default account, Messages, handles all messages except email messages. Email messages are handled by email accounts you create yourself. All accounts consist of a number of folders. You can switch between folders by selecting the arrow beside the folder name:

This is the Internet version of the User's guide. © Print only for private use.