
Your phone has a calculator, which can add, subtract, divide and multiply.

To use the calculator

1From standby select Menu } Extras } Calculator.

2 Press or to select . ÷ x - + =.

Please note that the accuracy of the calculator is limited.

3Press the number keys to enter digits.

My sounds

Your phone comes with a number of standard and polyphonic melodies.

To play a melody

1From standby select Menu } Extras } My sounds.

2 Scroll to a melody and select Options } Play.

To set a melody as the ringtone

1From standby select Menu } Extras } My sounds.

2Scroll to a melody and select Options } Set ringtone.


Your phone comes with a number of games. Information and game controls are given in help texts for each game.

To start a game

1From standby select Menu } Extras } Games.

2 Select an option.

To end a game

Press .


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