Partial numbers: Saving 0123456 allows calls to be made to all numbers starting with 0123456.

Numbers with question marks: Saving 01234567?0, allows calls to be made to numbers from 0123456700 to 0123456790. To enter a question mark, press and hold .

Calls to international emergency numbers can still be made, even when the fixed dialling function is on.

To turn fixed dialling on or off

1} Phonebook } YES } Options } YES } Fixed dialling

} YES.

2Enter your PIN2 } YES.

3Select On or Off } YES.

To save a fixed number

1} Phonebook } YES } Special numbers } YES } Fixed numbers } YES.

2} Add new? and enter the number } YES.

Closed user groups

The closed user group function is a way of lowering call costs. On some networks it is cheaper to make calls within a call group. You can save ten groups.

To add a group

1} Calls } YES } Manage calls } YES } Closed groups } YES } Edit list } YES.

2} Add new? } YES.

3Enter the name of the user group } YES.

4Enter the index number } YES. You get the index number from your operator.


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