
In the calendar you can add tasks for things that you have to remember. The tasks can be edited or deleted.

To add a task

1} Organizer } YES } Calendar } YES.

2 } Add task? } YES.

3 Enter a description } YES.

4 Enter the start/end dates and times } YES.

5 } Continue? } YES.

6 Set a reminder, if required, or press None to save.

To set the reminder

Select any of the predefined values or press Other reminder, and enter the alarm date } YES and the alarm time } YES.

To view a task

1} Organizer } YES } Calendar } YES.

2Select View today, View all tasks, View week, or View month


To delete a task

Scroll to the task that you want to delete, press .

To delete all tasks

}Organizer } YES } Calendar } YES } Delete all } YES.

To edit a task

1When the task is displayed } YES.

2 } Edit } YES.

3 Edit the task } YES, edit the date } YES, edit the reminder



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