More features


reset all profile settings

Display light

Sony Ericsson T61


} Settings } the General tab } Profiles

The display light can be set to On, Off, Automatic

} Reset profiles.

or Power save. Power save is the default setting for


Ge ing to know your phone 4

the display light and is designed to optimize



Transfe ring andxchanging inf rmation 7

standby time. Your screen is turned off completely


K y functions, qui k keys, entering letters nd charactersa. few secondsBluetoothafterwirelesyou lastechnology,press a keysynchronization. Press any .

Your phone has a stopwatch that can save several

key and the screen turns on again.

laps. The stopwatch continues to run when you


Personalizing your phone 22


More features 79


answer an incoming call.

In automatic mode, the display light is turned off a


Download settings or choose from the phone.


Calenda , alarm c ock,

topwatch, timer, games.

To use the stopwatch

few seconds after you last press a key.


Security 87




Calling 31




} Organizer } Stopwatch } Start.To set the display light


Use the Phonebook, voice control, call options.









SIM card lock, phone lock.

} Stop or } New lap if you want a lap time.




the Display tab



3 To reset the stopwatch } Reset.


Trouble hooting 89


Messaging 51



Multimedia messaging, chat and e-mail.

Start-up screen





Why doesn’t the phone work the way I want?


When you turn your phone on or off, the

Your phoneCamerahas built60 -in timer. When the signal

Sony Ericsson start-up


appears. Your


Additional infoscreenmation 91

rings, turn it off.

network operator’s own start-up screen may appear


Safe and efficient use, warranty, declaration of conformity.



instead. You can also set your own start-up screen.

To set theS ttingtimerup WAP and e-mail 63

}OrganizerAll}youTimerneedandto knowenteraboutthe hours,etting upminutesWAP and e-mail.

and seconds after which you want the timer to go


Using WAP 71


WAP browser, bookmarks.

Icons 98

To select a start-up screen

What do the icons mean?

} Settings } the Display tab } Start-up screen and select a fileIndexfor the105start-up screen.


This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.