Icon Description

A work number in the phonebook.

A mobile number in the phonebook.

An email address in the phonebook.

A picture is connected to the contact.


A text message is saved on the SIM card.

A message has not been read.

A message has been read.

Only part of a read email or a multimedia message is saved in the phone.

Only part of an unread email or a multimedia message is saved in the phone.

A read message will be deleted the next time you connect to the server.

An unread message will be deleted the next time you connect to the server.

Icon Description

A damaged message.

A read picture message.

An unread picture message.

The message has not been sent.

The message has been sent.

A message has been delivered or read by the recipient.

A sent message that has expired or been rejected by the recipient.

Pre-defined message template (not editable).

User-defined message template.

A multimedia message is playing.

A multimedia message has been stopped.

A multimedia message has been paused.

Picture could not be shown.

Icons 69

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