





SonymessagesEric on T61







To call a

in a text messageTo save or delete several

Select the phone number } Call.


1 } Messaging and select a folder.

Saving and deleting text messages

2 Select a message } More } Mark several.

3 Scroll and select more messages by pressing

Text messages are saved in the phone memory.


Mark or Unmark.


Getting to know your phone 4


Transferring and exchanging information 7

When the phone memory is full, you must delete


} MoreBluetooth} Savewirelessmessagestechnology,or }synchronization.More


Key functions, quick keys, entering letters and characters. 4

messages or move them to the SIM card to be able


} Delete messages.

to receive new messages. Messages that you have



Personalizing your phone 22


More features 79

saved on the SIM card remain there until you




Download settings or choose from the phone.


deleteCa ndar, messagel r clock, topwatch, timer, games.

delete them.




} Messaging and select a folder.


Calling 31




2 SelectSecuritythe message87 that you want to delete and

To save a message to the SIM card





Use the Phonebook, voice control, call options.




SIM card lock, phone lock.

} Messaging } Inbox

} More

} Save message




} Saved messages.




Long Troublemessageshooting 89


Messaging 51




Multimedia messaging, chat and e-mail.

The number of characters that a text message can



Why doesn’ the phone work the way I want?

To save an item from a text message

contain depends on the language you are writing in.

1 Select the phone number, Web address, picture


Camera 60






ditiona i for tion 91

or sound that you want to save in the message

You can send a longer message by linking two or


Use the camera.





nd efficient us , warr nty, de l ration of conformity.

} More.




more messages. You are charged for each of the




messages linked in a long message. You may not

2 If you have selected to save a phone number


Setting up WAP and e-mail 63


Icons 98

} Use } Save number. If you have selected a

receive all parts of a long message at the same time.


All you need to know about setting up WAP and e-mail.


What do the icons mean?

Web address } Save bookmark, a picture

Check with your service provider for the maximum


SaveUsingpictureWAP, a melody71


Save sound.


Index 105






number of messages that can be linked.


WAP browser, bookmarks.




This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.