
Radio wave ex posure and S pecificAbsorption Ra te (SAR) inf ormation
This mobi le ph one m odel W20 h as be en de signed to c omply with
applicabl e safety requ irem ent s fo r ex posu re t o ra dio wav es. Thes e
requireme nts are b ased on scien tifi c gu idel ines that inc lude safe ty
margins d esig ned to a ssu re t he s afet y of all per sons , re gar dles s of
age and h ealth .
The radio wave expo sure guide lines empl oy a u nit o f
measureme nt kn own a s the Spec ific Absor ption Rate, or S AR.
Tests for SAR are co nduc ted usin g st anda rdiz ed meth ods with the
phone tra nsmit ting at it s hig hest certi fied p ower level in a ll us ed
frequency band s.
While the re ma y be diffe rence s bet ween the SA R lev els o f
various p hone model s, th ey ar e all desi gned t o mee t the rele vant
guideline s for expo sure to ra dio w aves.
For more i nform ation on SA R, pl ease r efer to the safe ty cha pter
in the Us er’s Guide .
SAR data infor matio n for resi dents in c ountr ies th at ha ve
adopted t he SA R lim it re comme nded by th e Inte rnati onal
Commissio n of Non-Io nizin g Rad iatio n Pro tectio n (IC NIRP) , whi ch
is 2 W/kg aver aged over ten ( 10) g ram o f tiss ue (f or ex ample
European Union , Jap an, B razil and New Z ealand ):
The highe st SA R val ue fo r thi s mod el ph one w hen te sted by
Sony Eric sson for u se at the ear i s 0.7 5 W/kg (10g ).


 W20   
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