FCC Statement
This devi ce co mplie s wit h Par t 15 of th e FCC rules .
Operation is s ubjec t to the f ollow ing t wo con ditio ns: ( 1)
This devi ce ma y not caus e har mful inter ferenc e, an d (2)
This devi ce mu st ac cept any i nterf erenc e rece ived, incl uding
interfere nce t hat m ay ca use u ndesi red o perati on.
Any chang e or modif icati on no t exp ressl y appr oved by So ny
Ericsson may v oid t he us er's autho rity to op erate the e quipm ent.
This equi pment has been teste d and foun d to c omply with the
limits fo r a C lass B dig ital devic e, pu rsuant to P art 1 5 of the F CC
Rules. Th ese li mits are de signe d to p rovid e rea sonab le pro tecti on
against h armfu l int erfer ence in a resid ential inst allat ion. This
equipment generate s, use s an d c an rad iate ra dio fr eque ncy en ergy
and, if n ot in stall ed and used in a ccord ance with t he in struc tions ,
may cause harm ful i nterf erenc e to radio commu nicat ions.
However, ther e is no gua rant ee t hat inte rfer ence wil l no t oc cur in a
particula r ins talla tion.
If this e quipm ent d oes c ause harmf ul in terfer ence to ra dio o r
televisio n rec eptio n, wh ich c an be dete rmined by t urnin g the
equipment off a nd on , the user i s enco urage d to t ry to corre ct th e
interfere nce b y one or m ore o f the foll owing measu res:
Reorient or re locat e the rece iving ante nna.
Increase the s epara tion betwe en th e equ ipment and recei ver.
Connect t he eq uipme nt in to an outle t on a cir cuit diffe rent f rom
that to w hich the r eceiv er is conn ected .
Consult t he de aler or an expe rienc ed ra dio/TV tech nicia n for
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