Declaration o f Conformity for W20i
We, Sony Erics son M obile Comm unica tions AB of
Nya Vatte ntorn et
SE-221 88 Lund , Swe den
declare u nder our s ole r espon sibil ity t hat ou r pro duct
Sony Eric sson type AAD-3 88008 3-BV
and in co mbin atio n wit h ou r ac cess ories , to whi ch t his d ecla rati on
relates i s in confo rmity with the appro priate stan dards EN 3 01
511:V9.0. 2, EN 301 908-1 :V3.2 .1, E N 301 908- 2:V3.2 .1, E N 300
328:V1.7. 1, EN 301 489 -7:V 1.3. 1, E N 3 01 4 89-1 7:V2 .1.1 , EN 301
489-24:V1 .4.1, EN 6 0 950 -1:20 06 fo llowi ng the prov ision s of,
Radio Equ ipmen t and Tele commu nicat ion T ermina l Equ ipmen t
directive 1999 /5/EC.
Lund, May 2010
Dan Redin ,
Corporate Vice Pres ident , Hea d of Devel opment
We fulfil the requi remen ts of the R&TTE Direc tive (1999 /5/EC ).

󰁯󰃉󰃈 󰂏󰁹󰂅󰃈 󰁯󰃕󰂡󰁹󰂹󰃄 󰁯󰃍󰃕󰂀󰃏󰁹󰃀 R&TTE


Biz R&TTE Tli matla rının tl blri ni ye rin yetiri rik ( 1λλλ/η/
Ν Ν  ΝΝ ΝR &TTEΝ(1λλ λ/η/EC)έ
Mi ispunj avamo zaht jeve R&TTE Dire ktive (1999 /5/EC).
Complim e ls re quisi ts de la d irect iva R &TTE ( 1999/5/EC ).
Výrobek s plňuj e pož adavk y smě rnice R&TT E (199 9/5/EC).
Vi opfyld er kr avene i R& TTE-d irekt ivet (1999/ 5/EC).
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