To save and restore contacts with a memory card

}Contacts } More } Options

}Advanced } Back up to M.S. or Restore from M.S.

To select the sort order for contacts

}Contacts } More } Options

}Advanced } Sort order.

Synchronizing contacts

You can synchronize your contacts with a contacts application on the Web. For more information

%73 Synchronizing.

Call list

Information about most recent calls.

To call a number from the call list

1From standby, } Calls and select a tab.

2Scroll to the name or number to call } Call to make a voice call.

To add a call list number to contacts

1From standby, } Calls and select a tab.

2Scroll to the number to add } More } Save number.

3} New contact to create a new contact, or select an existing contact to add the number to.

To clear the call list

}Calls and select the All tab } More

}Delete all.

Speed dial with pictures

Save numbers in positions 1-9 in your phone to access them easily. Speed dial is dependent on your default contacts % 27 Default contacts, for example, you can speed dial numbers saved on the SIM card.

If you add contacts with pictures to speed dial positions, the contact pictures appear for easy reference

%30 To add a picture, ringtone sound or video to a phone contact.

To edit speed dial numbers

1} Contacts } More } Options

}Speed dial.

2Scroll to the position } Add or } More


To speed dial

From standby, enter the position number } Call.

Calling 31

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