To trim a video clip
1From standby select Menu > Organizer
> File manager > Videos.
2Scroll to a video clip and select
Options > Edit in VideoDJ™ > Edit >
3Select OK > Set > Start to set the
starting point.
4Select Set > End to set the ending
5Select Trim > Options > Save.


A blog is a personal Web page. If your
subscription supports this service, you
can send photos or video clips to a
blog. If you cannot use blogging, see I
cannot use Internet-based services on
page 65.
Web services may require a separate
license agreement between you and the
service provider. Additional regulations
and charges may apply. Contact your
service provider.
To send photos to an existing blog
1From standby select Menu > Media >
Photo > Camera album.
2Select a month.
3Scroll to a photo and select View.
4Select Options > Send > To Website >
New Website > Add.
5Enter the blog address and select OK.
6Enter the address and title.
7Select Save and select the blog.
8Enter the text.
9Select Continue > Send.
To send photos to Blogger
1From standby select Menu > Media >
Photo > Camera album.
2Select a month.
3Scroll to a photo and select View.
4Select Options > Send > To Website.
5Select Blogger.
6Enter a title and text and select OK >
To send photos or videos you have
just taken to a blog
1When you have taken a photo, select
Send > To Website.
2Select New Website > Add.
3Enter the email address account used
for sending to your blog.
4Enter the Web address and title.
5Select Save and select the blog.
6Enter the text.
7Select Continue > Send.
To send video clips to an existing blog
1From standby select Menu > Media >
Video > Videos.
2Select Options > Send > To Website.
3Select New Website > Add.
48 Imaging
This is an Internet version of this publication. © Print only for private use.