To access video podcasts
From standby select Menu > Media >
Video > Podcasts.
Photo feeds
You can subscribe to Photo feeds and
download photos. To start using Photo
feeds, see Web feeds on page 57.
To access photo feeds
From standby select Menu > Media >
Photo > Photo feeds.


Using Wi-Fi™ you can access the
Internet wirelessly with your phone.
You can browse the Internet at home
(personal networks) or in public access
zones (hot spots):
Personal networks – usually
protected. A pass phrase or a key is
required from the owner.
Hot spots – usually non-protected
but often requires you to log on to the
operator’s service before you get
Internet access.
Using Wi-Fi
To be able to browse the Internet using
Wi-Fi you need to search for and
connect to an available network and
then open the Internet browser.
To turn on Wi-Fi
From standby select Menu > Settings >
the Connectivity tab > Wi-Fi > Turn on.
To connect to a network
1From standby select Menu > Settings >
the Connectivity tab > Wi-Fi.
2Scroll to a network and select
To start browsing using Wi-Fi
1Make sure is showing in status bar.
2From standby select Menu > Internet.
Often used networks can be saved as
favourites. These will connect
automatically when you are within range
if you turn on Auto connect.


Your phone has a built-in DLNA™
(Digital Living Network Alliance) server
that connects to the home network
through Wi-Fi. Other DLNA devices
connected to the same home network
can access, view and play images and
music saved on your phone. A
compatible DLNA device can be a
computer, TV or PLAYSTATION®3. For
DLNA to work, Wi-Fi must be turned on
and the phone must be connected to a
favourite network.
Internet 59
This is an Internet version of this publication. © Print only for private use.