White Paper W950

Preliminary version - PA4

communication system, no matter which phone they are using. W950 can interact with the following corporate systems:

A Corporate switch PABX, (Private Automatic Branch Exchange), equipped with a mobile extension port, (like the Ericsson MD110 and BusinessPhone).

The mobile centrex service, if provided by the operator.

A telephony server located at the operator’s or customer’s premises.

Feature buttons

The user activates corporate features by selecting commands from a list, which can be dynamically sent by the server via an IP link, or pre-configured by the company’s IT manager, the operator or a service provider. Each command displays a text description of the function.

When a command is selected, pre-configured DTMF tones are used to communicate the desired function to the server. The phone can even be used to send data that the user is prompted to provide,

into the phone.

such as the date they will be back from a business trip. Feature commands andternaltext descriptions have to be programmed using XML and then imported

Ongoing call features are reached from the active call view.

Offline commands and corporate telephony settings can be accessednby pressing the ‘corporate telephony’ icon onceIa calling card has been set up. Activating a command will result in an IP packet being sentorto the server.

Routing of corporate calls

If a companyF uses a PABX, calls must be routed via the PABX to gain access to corporate features and resources. W950 can route outgoing calls to the corporate switch, instead of to the dialled B-party. To complete a call, the B-number is then sent to the mobile extension port of the PABX and the call set-up is completed. This process is completely transparent to the user.

A user may dial either an internal number, such as, 1234, or a public number, like +468 123 4567. W950 can be set to bypass the switch for certain types of calls.

Configuring the phone for the company

The person responsible for the corporate communication services defines how the phone shall be configured. This may be the company's IT man- ager, the operator or a service provider. They define

what feature commands shall be displayed in the

phone, how these commands interact with the



PABX and what text is displayed. They also define


how W950 should handle calls to and from the cor-



porate switch. This is all done in an XML-structured configuration file, with the extension .pbx. Once created, this configuration file can be easily installed onto W950.

To ensureethat only authorized personnel have access to the PABX, approved mobile phone numbers sare added to the list of mobile extensions in the PBX, and only these numbers will be able to

Uuse the facilities available.

For more information please go to www.SonyErics- son.com/professionalsolutions and look for “Areas of use”.


June 2006