5Repeat this task to add more
To release a participant
1Select Options > Release party.
2Select the participant to release.
To have a private conversation
1During the call, select Options > Talk
to and select the participant to talk to.
2To resume the conference call, select
Options > Join calls.
My numbers
You can view, add and edit your own
phone numbers.
To check your phone numbers
1Select Menu > Contacts.
2Scroll to New contact and select
Options > Special numbers > My
3Select an option.
Accept calls
You can choose to receive calls from
certain phone numbers only.
To add numbers to the accepted
callers list
1Select Menu > Settings > Calls >
Manage calls > Accept calls > Only from
2Scroll to New and select Add.
3Select a contact or Groups.
See Groups on page 21.
To accept all calls
Select Menu > Settings > Calls >
Manage calls > Accept calls > All
Restricted dialling
You can restrict outgoing and incoming
calls. A password from your service
provider is required.
If you divert incoming calls, you cannot
use some restrict calls options.
Restrict calls options
Standard options are:
All outgoing – all outgoing calls
Outgoing intl – all outgoing
international calls
Outgoing intl roam. – all outgoing
international calls except to your
home country
All incoming – all incoming calls
Inc. when roaming all incoming calls
when you are abroad
To restrict calls
1Select Menu > Settings > Calls >
Manage calls > Restrict calls.
24 Calling
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