More features

Time and date

Time and date are always displayed in standby.

To set the time and date

}Settings } General } Time & date:

To set time and time format, } Time enter the time } Format select a format } Save.

To set date and date format, } Date enter the date } Format select a format } Save.

To edit time zone, } Time zone select an option.

To set daylight saving on or off, } Daylight saving select an option.

To set auto time zone, } Auto time zone select and option.

Alarm clock

The alarm rings even if the phone is set to silent or turned off.

To set and use an alarm

}Alarms and select an option:

To set an alarm, } Alarm set a time } Save.

To set a recurrent alarm, } Recurrent alarm set a time

} Continue select days Mark } Done.

To select a signal, } Alarm signal select a sound.

To turn the alarm signal off when it rings, press any key.

To cancel an alarm, } Alarm or } Recurrent alarm } Turn off.


Your phone has predefined profiles that are set to suit a certain environment. You can reset all profile settings to the way they were set when you bought your phone.


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