B400 Functional Description 4.25
If the H/P SPLIT switch is pressed, and a CUE is operated from anywhere on the
console, the monitor signal (in mono, summed if it is stereo) is sent to the left side
of the headphones only. The Cue signal is fed to the right side of the headphones.
There are two sets of monitor speakers. Monitor Speakers 1 are normally select-
ed but Monitor Speakers 2 may be selected by pressing the ALT switch.
ØØ ((PPhhaassee))
The phase of the right signal (of whichever set of monitor speakers is selected)
may be reversed by pressing the Phase (Ø) switch.
The overall output level of the monitor speakers is adjusted by the LEVEL control,
whilst the relative level between left and right is set by the BAL (Balance) control.
The left and right signals may be summed and fed in mono to both the left and
right speakers by pressing the MONO switch.
The left and right monitor speakers may be individually muted by the MUTE L and
MUTE R switches. They may also be muted under external control via the control
lines which are available on the EXT LOGIC connector on the rear panel. The
associated LEDs illuminate when the external mutes are active.
The left and right monitor speakers may also be dimmed by pressing the DIM
switch. The amount that the signal is attenuated is variable between 0 and -30dB
by an internal preset. Monitor dimming may also occur as a result of other opera-
tions, e.g., use of talkback, and in these instances the EXT LED illuminates when
the dim is active.
TThhee CCuueeiinngg SSyysstteemm
A Cue Speaker is fitted into the overbridge as standard, with its own level control.
The Cue Speaker is fed with Overpress Cue signals (if the Overpress Option is fit-
ted), the Return Talkback signal and, if the relevant internal jumpers are config-
ured appropriately, a mono sum of the Cue L and R signals: this mono sum is over-
ridden by the Overpress facility (if it is fitted).
The Return Talkback level is adjusted via the RETN T/B LEVEL control.
A stereo pair of Cue Speaker outputs are also provided on the rear connector
panel. The output level of these outputs is adjusted by the CUE MNTR LEVEL
The Cue speaker outputs carry a mix of any PFLs / AFLs via the Cue L and R
busses. These signals will be overridden by the Overpress facility (if fitted), provid-
ed that the relevant internal jumpers are configured appropriately.
The Cue L and R signals may be switched from the Cue Speakers to the Monitor
Speakers by pressing the CUE TO MONITOR switch.