1.2 B400 Introduction
IInnttrroodduuccttiioonnCongratulations on purchasing a Soundcraft console.
The B400 has been designed to meet the needs of Live TV & Radio Broadcast and
Production Facilities including OB vehicles. Based on the highly successful B800,
the B400 delivers a level of configurability unrivalled in its class.
SSyysstteemm OOvveerrvviieeww
l24, 32, 40, 48 and 56-module frames
l1 stereo and 3 mono auxes
lLED indication on all switches
lWide variation in module audio and logic / control functions via internal
lStereo ISDN cleanfeed facilities via direct outputs on Telco channels
lVersatile and highly configurable monitoring via speakers and studio and
guest headphones
lLimiters on master output
lWide range of meterbridge options
lBalanced audio inputs and outputs throughout, on XLRs and EDACs
lPseudo-balanced internal bussing