Hawkins Bass Control - Theory and Use

Hawkins Bass Control(parametric)is a unique
subwoofer control circuit included with the Soundstream
Human Reign amplifier. It is capable of removing
subsonic energy in program material while boosting
subwoofer frequencies. The circuit consists of two
controls. One adjusts the frequency of operation and the
other adjusts the range of boost. With both controls
adjusted fully counter-clockwise, no boost is applied and
the amplifier is flat in response down to 20 Hz.
The Boost control adjusts the amount of level
applied at the set frequency.
This is adjustable from flat (0dB) to +9dB. (See
figure 2)
When the Boost is set to 0, Hawkins acts as a
sub-sonic filter only. (See figure 3) The simple
act of removing potentially harmful low
frequencies can improve system output by as
much as 3dB.(see figure 4)
The frequency control (Hz) adjusts the
starting point of the subsonic filter. On the
Human reign the high pass filter has two
frequency ranges. When the bass control
switch is set to “SUB SONIC”, the high pass
filter frequency can be adjusted from 13 Hz
up to a maximum of 30Hz. In this setting,
no boost “Q” control is available. This
control is useful for setting the lowest
frequency that your subwoofer will see (see
figure 1). When the bass control switch is
high pass filter frequency can be adjusted
from 30 Hz to a maximum of 70Hz. In this
setting, there is an available boost control
of 0 to +9dB.