Accessory order form 79
Advanced conference 67
Advanced hold 66
Advanced intercom features 39
Answer 63
Answering an intercom call from the
base unit 36
Answering intercom call from cordless
handset 36
Ask to hold 65
Auto standby 19
Battery safety precautions 69
Before you begin 7
Call Waiting 5, 74
Call Waiting ID 5, 62
Call Waiting ID with options 6, 62
Advanced conference 67
Advanced hold 66
Answer 63
Ask to hold 65
Connect all 65
Drop & answer 63
Tell busy 64
To call notes ® 64
Caller ID 5
Caller ID errors 61
Caller ID operation 53
Causes of poor reception 75
Chain dialing from memory 52
Changing the battery 68
Chaning channels 19
Connect all 65
Cordless handset 16
Cordless phone basics 17
Deleting all Caller ID records 60
Deleting the current Caller ID record 60
Desktop installation 8
Dialing a Caller ID number 56
Dialing a stored number 51
Dialing a stored number during
review 51
Digital security system 6
Disabling privacy mode 26
Drop & answer 63
Duration counter 19
Enabling privacy mode 25
FCC registration information 2
Finding the handset 24
Flash 20
General product care 70