White Paper
6.0NetLink Wireless Telephones and Subnets
Subnets are used to create a boundary between network segments. Although these boundaries are logical, they become somewhat of a physical boundary for mobile network devices moving throughout the enterprise. When a device with an established IP data stream (such as with an active phone call) attempts to roam across a subnet boundary, it needs to obtain a valid IP address within the new subnet. During this process the data stream cannot be
Some APs, Ethernet switches, and
NetLink Wireless Telephones must reside within the same subnet as the source of the SpectraLink Voice Priority (SVP) control. SVP can be controlled from a NetLink Telephony Gateway, a NetLink SVP Server, or a combination of the two. Because the NetLink SVP Server can only operate in a single PBX interface mode, Wireless Telephones cannot operate with a NetLink Telephony Gateway and in a native IP interface to an IP telephony server on the same NetLink SVP server. All SVP Servers on the same subnet must operate in the same PBX interface mode (either native IP or through NetLink Telephony Gateways).
There are additional subnet requirements for NetLink Wireless Telephones based on the infrastructure components that are used.
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