50 and 75lb dr yersfeature large cylinders anda design
that emphasizesspeed and efficiency. These commercial
dryers are perfect for drying oversized items such as
quilts and your customers’ largest loads.
An Easy Open-and-Shut CaseAn extra-largestainless steel door and heavy-dutyhinge
ensure both can stand up to the repeated use of high-
traffic vended laundries.The door also is reversible
enablingowners to install it toopen to the left or right,
for greater customer satisfaction.
Belt-drive SimplicitySpeed Queen commercial dryers feature an all-belt
drivesystem, which meansthey’re less noisythan others
in the market.And because the unitsutilize self-adjusting
belts,maintenance costs are reduced.
The Hole StoryVended laundry owners know all too well that drywall
screws,left behindin clothes,can cause extensivedamage
to the metal surrounding the cylinder.Our patented
cylinder design allows drywall screws to pass through
oval perforations and saves storeowners from the
annoyancesof reduced efficiency and expensive
replacement parts.
Fast HeatingOur high-performance burners ignite instantly,providing
the desired temperature quickly and efficiently distribut-
ing even heat.This means reduced drying times and
energy savings.
Less Lint Clean-UpA finemesh lint screen cleansitself automatically,depositing
lint into a large storage area for easy removal.The size of
the compartment translates into emptying it once a day
versus three times a day — saving time.
WarrantySpeed Queen’s commitment to customers comes with
an industry-leading warranty, which starts with a three-
year* limited parts warranty. To us,building the best
machines on the market doesn’t mean much if we’re
not willing to also take the lead in standing behind them.
As a Speed Queen customer,you’ll never have to worry
about our bond.
*Par tsonly, labornot included.See Speed QueenWarranty Bond for specifics.
Activation FeaturesCoin Models
SpeedQueen’s drying tumblers arefactory equipped
with high security coin drops.
Five checks are used to validate the coin and invalid coins
are returned through a reject slot.
Card Ready Models
Speed Queen’s drying tumblers are card-ready for
interfacing with a card reader supplier of choice.