General Maintenance
Belt and Bed - Your treadmill uses a very
Allow to dry before using.
Belt Dust - This occurs during normal
General Cleaning - Dirt, dust, and pet hair can block air inlets and accumulate on the running belt. On a monthly basis, vacuum underneath your treadmill to prevent buildup. Once a year, you should remove the black motor hood and vacuum out dirt that may accumulate. UNPLUG POWER CORD BEFORE THIS TASK.
Treadbelt Tension Adjustment - Belt tension is not critical for most users. It is very important for joggers and runners in order to provide a smooth, steady running surface. Adjustment must be made from the right side of the rear roller in order to adjust tension with the 6 mm Allen wrench provided in the parts package. The adjustment bolt is located at the end of the right side rail as noted in diagram below.
Tracking / Tension | Tracking / Tension |
Adjustment | Adjustment |
Note: Adjustment is through small hole in end
Tighten the rear roller only enough to prevent slippage at the front roller. Turn the treadbelt tension adjusting bolt in increments of 1/4 turn and inspect for proper tension.
When an adjustment is made to the belt tension, you must also make a tracking adjustment to compensate for the change in belt tension. This is accomplished by turning both the tension and tracking Allen bolts an equal amount. This adjustment should be made by turning both bolts clockwise by no more than a 1/4 turn at a time. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN – Over tightening will cause belt damage and premature bearing failure.
21 | XT200 / XT600 / XT800 |