Symptom Cause Remedy
No Power Blown fuse Replace fuse with same amp.
Rating. If the fuse blows again,
call tech support.
No Power Bad connection Check cable connection.
Alternator noise is heard
(Changes with gas) Wrong wiring creates ground loop. Call tech support or ask a local
car audio shop.
Radio can’t recognize IPOD2CAR
ADAPTER Bad cables or cables are not
connected properly between
converter box and car radio
Check connection and cables,
push in firmly.
Radio can’t recognize IPOD2CAR
ADAPTER Yellow and black cables are not
connected to Power 12+ and
Ground. ( Only on some models)
Please read manual and see if
your car requires to connect the
yellow and black cable to power
and ground
is not recognized any more Bad connector or power discharge Unplug the black converter box
from Radio and plug again
Radio can’t recognize IPOD2CAR
ADAPTER Wrong selection on dip switch in
the converter box Select the right protocol for you
car. (See Page 3)
For technical support call 516-887-8885 9am-6pm EST. MON - FRI