GM – Corvette Appendix IPOD2CAR ADAPTER Connection to Chevrolet Corvette Most Corvettes are pre-wired to the trunk. In case you can’t find the connector in the
trunk, please do the following:
1. Preparing the GM-A Cable
Take the GM-A cable and cut off the Black and Red harness, you will then have
two cables in your hands. One cable with the big white 22 pin connector and 1
with a small white 9 pin connector. You will use only the cable with the big White
22 pin connector (connects to the black box).
2. Connection to the Vehicle
There are two connectors located behind the radio, one is black and the other is
grey. We will first work with the grey connector.
Grey Connector:
Blue to Connector Brown+White (Pin 11, the 1st pin)
Red to Connector Green+White (Pin 12, the 2nd pin)
Black to Connector Black+White (Pin 13, the 3rd pin)
Yellow to Connector Dark Green (Pin 15, pin 14 is empty)*
Black Connector:
Orange to Black Connector thick Orange (Pin 10, the last pin, +12v)
Brown to Black Connector Black+White (Pin 5, the middle, Ground)
3. Support
If you have any questions or need any support, please feel free to call 516-887-
8885 from 9am-6pm EST.