GX1280S Page 33
ber will appear, and the first space will flash.
5. Select first number of your MMSI, then press the
[CALL/SET] key to step to the next number.
6. Repeat step 5 to set your MMSI (up to nine digits).
7. When finished programming the number, press
and hold the [CALL/SET] key to store the number
in memory.
8. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode press the [16/9] key.
7.4 ADDITIONAL DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING INFORMATIONFor additional information the USCG has an excellent site that should be
visited at www.navcen.uscg.mil/marcoms/gmdss/dsc.html.
7.5 DSC DISTRESS CALLThe MATRIX is capable of transmitting and receiving DSC Distress mes-
sages to all DSC radios. The MATRIX may be connected to a GPS to also
transmit the Latitude, Longitude of the vessel.
7.5.1 Transmitting A DSC Distress Call
To be able to transmit a DSC distress call a MMSI number must be
programmed, refer to section 7.3.2 Programming the MMSI
In order for your ships location to be transmitted a GPS must be connected
to the MATRIX, refer to section 4.4 CONNECTION OF GPS WITH NMEA
1. Lift the red spring loaded DISTRESS cover and
press the [DISTRESS] key. The “DISTRESS” menu
will appear on the LCD.
2. Press and hold the [DISTRESS] key. The radios
display will count down (3-2-1) and then transmit
the Distress call.
3. When the distress signal is sent, CH70 and “TX”
icon will appear on the LCD. After the message
has been sent, the radio will sound a Distress
4. The transceiver “shadow-watches” for a transmis-
sion between CH16 and CH70 until an acknowledgment signal is re-
ceived. “DISTRESS” and “WAITING” will appear on the LCD.