HX600SPage 26
7.4 DUAL WATCHThe Dual Watch feature allows the radio to watch for a transmission on the
priority channel and another selected Marine channel until a signal is re-
ceived. The priority channel is determined in section 7.3 “PROGRAMMABLE
1. To start the Dual Watch feature, select a channel to be dual watched with
the priority channel and press and hold the
[SCAN] key. The radio checks the priority chan-
nel for voice traffic every one second. A small “DW”
icon is will be shown blinking on the left of the
display during scanning.
2. To cancel the Dual Watch feature, press the [SCAN] key.
7.5 TRI WATCHThe TRI Watch feature allows the radio to watch for a transmission on the
priority channel, and the secondary calling channel (channel 09) and an-
other selected Marine channel until a signal is received. The priority channel
is determined per the discussion in section 7.3 “PROGRAMMABLE PRI-
1. To start the TRI Watch feature, select a channel and press and hold the
[SCAN] key. The radio checks the priority channel, CH09 and the se-
lected channel for voice traffic. A small “DW” icon is will be shown blink-
ing on the left of the display during scanning.
2. To cancel the TRI Watch feature, press the [SCAN] key.
7.6 EMERGENCY CHANNEL 161. To select the emergency channel, press the [16/9] key from any channel.
2. If you cannot contact anyone on channel 16, switch to another channel.
3. See section 9.1 “EMERGENCY (CHANNEL 16 USE)” for additional emer-
gency operating practices.
4. To recall the previously-used channel when you are finished on channel
16, press the [16/9] key again.