1. Mic level control: Controls the overall microphone output level.
2. Send: Controls the level of the effect send output. this is used to set the level of the
signal going to the outbpard effects processor or stomp box.
3. Return: Controls the level of the effect return input. This is used to control the level of
the processed signal going back into themixer
4. FX: Effect ON/OFF for each channel, MIC, and cue.
5. Gain: Controls the input level of each channel.
6. EQ: Individual controls for low and high frequency equalization with (+9/-26 dB)
Any changes made to EQ settings will change the overall output level.
7.Master level control: Controls the overall signal output level.
8. Headphone level control: Controls the overall headphone output level. It is recom-
mended headphones with an impedance rating of 200 ohms or less be used for maxi-
mum volume.
9. Cue pan: Fades the headphone output between channels 1 and 2, effectively allowing
the user to preview a mix.
10.Power indicator : Blue LED indicates whether mixer is ON or OFF.
11. Input selector switches: Selects phono or line inputs. FLASH™ position allows users
to quickly trigger the phono input.
12. Input Fader Reverse: Reverses the direction of each respective input channel fader.
Includes bi-color LED to indicate the status of the reverse function. When LED is
green, the fader is normal. When LED is red, the fader direction is reversed.
13. Channel fader: Controls the input channel level.
14.Headphone mute: Mutes the headphones without having to change its level.
15. Input Level Meter: Monitors each channel’s input level with peak hold function
16. Crossfader Reverse LED: Bi-color LED indicates the status of the crossfader reverse-
function. When LED is green, the crossfader is normal. When LED is red, the crossfader
direction is reversed.
17. Crossfader: Fades the master output between channels 1 and 2.
18. Headphone output: Connection for 1/4 inch headphone. Recommended headphone
impedance is 32-200 ohms for maximum volume.
19. Crossfader Reverse: Reverses the direction of the crossfader.
20. Crossfader Curve adjustment: Adjusts the shape of the crossfader curve from a quick
cut for scratching and cutting to a longer fade for mixing.
20. Send & return connections: The send output is used to connect the mixer to the line
input of your effects processor or sampler.The return input is used to feed the sgnal
D E S C R I P TI ON O F FU N C TI O N SS P E C I A L P RO TE K TI O NYour SK SIX comes with a special PROTEKT™ aluminum panel designed to
make the surface of the mixer is as smooth as possible while still enabling you
to field-replace key components. The PROTEKT™ panel covers all screws that
may get in the way of your performance. You can still easily remove the front
panel to replace any of the modular parts which are subject to wear and tear:
crossfader, input faders and input toggle switches.
The PROTEKT™ panel is also reversible. If you happen to scratch or blemish the
front side, just flip-it over since it is screened on both sides!