Phone: (800) 264-7827 - FAX: (800) 264-6666 - www.star-mfg.com
Star Manufacturing International Inc. - 10 Sunnen Drive - P.O. Box 430129 - St. Louis, MO 63143-3800
S t a r Ma nu fa cturing I n t e r n at i o n a l, In c.Model No. Rated Wattage Nominal Amps - Single Phase
208V 240V 208V 240V
502D 3150 4200 15.1 17.5
502FD 3900 5200 18.8 21.6
(A) (B) (C) Cooking Surface Approximate Weight
Width Depth Height Height Installed Shipping
Model No. Inches Inches Inches Inches Ibs Ibs
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (kg) (kg)
502D 12 28 11-5/8 11-5/8 30 40
(30.5) (71.1) (29.5) (29.5) (13.6) (18.1)
502FD 12 28 11-5/8 11-5/8 35 45
(30.5) (71.1) (29.5) (29.5) (15.9) (20.4)
Electric hot plates are constructed of aluminized steel with stainless top and front and feature black polycarbonate trim. Units
are equipped with infinite controls, 2 pilot lights, and are available with incoloy sheath tubular elements or sealed cast iron
elements. Hot plates have a junction box at the rear of the unit for electrical connection and operate on 208V or 240V. Units
carry the approval of Underwriters' Laboratories, NSF listed and CSA approved. Printed in the U.S.A.
4" (10.16 cm) legs with 1-3/8" (3.5 cm) adjustment
Typical Specifications
Electrical Data
Model 502D & 502FD
Due to periodic changes in designs, methods, procedures, policies and regulations, the specifications contained in this sheet are subject to change without notice. While Star
Manufacturing exercises good faith efforts to provide information that is accurate, we are not responsible for errors or omissions in information provided or conclusions reached
as a result of using the specifications. By using the information provided, the user assumes all risks in connection with such use.